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Available Online

Atelier Quilling (8-12 ani)

Include 1 sesiune. Durata: 60 minute.

80 Romanian lei

Despre Atelier

Tehnica Quilling, numita si tehnica benzii de hartie, este o forma de expresie artistica, utilizata in special pentru decorarea locuintei sau a obiectelor. Aceasta presupune rularea, modelarea si lipirea unor benzi de hartie in diverse forme, pentru a realiza modele variate. Utilizandu-se o gama variata de culori, dimensiuni si texturi, are o capacitate foarte mare de transformare pentru a personaliza albume foto, mesaje de multumire sau obiecte de decor. Tablourile quilling reprezinta in prezent una dintre cele mai originale metode de a personaliza un cadou sau de a ne infrumuseta camera, ideile si modelele fiind nelimitate. Nu avem nevoie decat de putina imaginatie si ceva mai multa rabdare! Instrumente necesare: - hartie pentru quilling (diverse culori) - pot fi achizitionate seturi gata taiate sau hartie pe care parintii o pot pregati pentru cei mici; - ac pentru quilling (pentru rulare); - adeziv (aracet) in sticluta cu orificiu subtire; - planseta de plastic cu cercuri, instrument special pentru a da forma. Obiective si beneficii: - dezvoltarea imaginatiei si a atentiei; - cultivarea pasiunii pentru arta; - imbunatatirea comunicarii; - stimularea indemanarii si a rabdarii; - dezvoltarea motricitatii fine. Despre trainer: Diana Chirita este pasionata de astronomie inca de cand era copil, fiind inspirata de tatal ei. In 2016-2017 a urmat un curs aprofundat de Astronomie organizat de Astroclubul Bucuresti la Institutul Astronomic al Academiei Romane, iar din 2018 participa la diverse evenimente publice dedicate astronomiei (AstroFest si SciFi Fest), prezentari in scoli, ateliere si workshop-uri, sustine cursuri online, observatii astronomice, toate concepute pentru copii. Ii place sa citeasca carti SF, de popularizare a stiintei si muzica clasica. Este implicata ca si voluntar in diverse programe educationale pentru copii cu dizabilitati si din medii defavorizate.

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Ateliere organizate




Tematici diferite



  • How does the online workshop work?
    The workshop is live, interactive and takes place on Zoom. Before the start of the workshop, you will receive the access link.
  • How long does a workshop last?
    On average, the workshops last 50 minutes.
  • How do I pay?
    Payment is made by bank transfer, before the start of the workshop. Once you have reserved your place at the workshop, you will receive the payment details by e-mail. Then you send us proof of payment and invoicing data, and we send you the invoice and the Zoom link so you can access the workshop.
  • Can I interrupt a module workshop if the child doesn't like it?"
    Although it doesn't happen often, you can cancel your participation after the first session in the module. The amount related to the canceled sessions can be used to purchase another workshop or reimbursed to the account indicated by you. The cancellation request is sent to our e-mail address:
  • If the child fails to participate in the workshop, do I get the money back?
    If you announce your non-participation at least 72 hours before the workshop date, the money is returned in full. Otherwise, the money will not be returned, and the participation will not be rescheduled.
  • If I would like a certain facilitator to organize a personalized/individual workshop for my child, how do I proceed?"
    Contact us and we will determine the details together with the facilitator.
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