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Available Online

Excel pentru incepatori (18 ani+)

Modul cu 3 sesiuni (60 minute/sesiune)

From 210 Romanian lei

Despre Atelier

Acest curs online de Excel este conceput pentru a oferi notiuni fundamentale atat incepatorilor, cat si celor cu o experienta moderata care doresc sa isi extinda cunostintele despre acest software. Dezvoltat de AteliereOnline, cursul este structurat in module ce includ patru lectii fiecare. Participantii vor invata cum sa navigheze in Excel, sa introduca si sa editeze date, sa ajusteze modul in care sunt afisate informatiile, sa scrie formule rapid, inclusiv utilizarea functiei de cautare VLOOKUP. De asemenea, cursul abordeaza functionalitati esentiale pentru afisarea datelor, precum sortarea, subtotalizarea si filtrarea, eliminarea duplicatelor, transpunerea datelor, precum si folosirea Tabelor Pivot si a Graficelor Pivot pentru a optimiza prelucrarea datelor. Inscrieti-va la acest curs pentru a transforma modul in care lucrati cu cifrele, un curs descris ca fiind "distractiv", "uimitor" si "care iti schimba viata". Descoperiti cat de rapid si usor puteti invata Microsoft Excel! Pentru cine este acest curs: Ideal pentru persoanele incepatoare in utilizarea Microsoft Excel si pentru cele cu experienta moderata, acest curs reprezinta o oportunitate excelenta de aprofundare si perfectionare a abilitatilor de utilizare a Excel.

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Tematici diferite



  • How does the online workshop work?
    The workshop is live, interactive and takes place on Zoom. Before the start of the workshop, you will receive the access link.
  • How long does a workshop last?
    On average, the workshops last 50 minutes.
  • How do I pay?
    Payment is made by bank transfer, before the start of the workshop. Once you have reserved your place at the workshop, you will receive the payment details by e-mail. Then you send us proof of payment and invoicing data, and we send you the invoice and the Zoom link so you can access the workshop.
  • Can I interrupt a module workshop if the child doesn't like it?"
    Although it doesn't happen often, you can cancel your participation after the first session in the module. The amount related to the canceled sessions can be used to purchase another workshop or reimbursed to the account indicated by you. The cancellation request is sent to our e-mail address:
  • If the child fails to participate in the workshop, do I get the money back?
    If you announce your non-participation at least 72 hours before the workshop date, the money is returned in full. Otherwise, the money will not be returned, and the participation will not be rescheduled.
  • If I would like a certain facilitator to organize a personalized/individual workshop for my child, how do I proceed?"
    Contact us and we will determine the details together with the facilitator.
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